Orlando Science Charter School East Campus - Parent Involvement


At Orlando Science School K-8 (OSCS K-8), we believe in the power of partnership. Parents aren't just observers in their child's educational journey; they're crucial partners in fostering a lifelong love for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).

Become a Hero in the OSS K-8 Universe:

Become a STEM Champion at Home and School:

The world of STEM is everywhere! Spark your child's curiosity by exploring science fairs, visiting local museums, or simply venturing into nature together. Your encouragement and support fuel their passion for discovery long after the school bell rings.

Join the OSCS K-8 Parent Volunteer Organization (PVO):

Make a real difference by sharing your time and talents! From assisting in classrooms and chaperoning field trips to lending a hand with fundraising, the PVO offers a variety of ways to get involved. Your involvement directly impacts our students' learning experiences and creates a vibrant school community.

Stay Informed and Engaged:

We keep you connected with your child's academic progress and school life through regular newsletters, parent-teacher conferences, and informative school events. Actively participate in these opportunities to ensure you're a strong advocate for your child's success.

Partner with Teachers:

Open communication is key. Feel empowered to reach out to teachers with questions and actively participate in parent-teacher conferences. Together, we can create a nurturing and supportive environment that fosters continuous growth for your child.

Family and Community: The Heart of OSCS K-8!

Family and community volunteers are the heart of OSCS K-8! Your invaluable support uplifts teachers, students, and administration alike. Dive into a world of exciting opportunities:

- Field Trip Chaperone: Ensure a safe and enriching experience for students during educational outings.

- Classroom Support: Lend a helping hand in classrooms, freeing up teachers to provide more personalized attention.

- Club and Event Support: Contribute to various clubs and events like Picture Day, Book Fair, STEM Night, and more!

Together, we can create a vibrant learning environment where students at OSCS K-8 can thrive and develop a lifelong love of STEM!

Sign up today through the OCPS ADDitions Volunteer portal and become a vital part of our vibrant school community. Let's work together to make a positive impact on the future generation of STEM leaders! OCPS ADDitions Registration