Orlando Science Charter School East Campus - Academic Dishonesty Policy


Policy Purpose

Orlando Science Charter School K-8 fosters a learning environment built on honesty and integrity. Dishonesty undermines this environment and creates an unfair advantage for some students. This policy outlines the school's expectations regarding academic integrity and the consequences for violations.


Students are expected to demonstrate academic honesty in all their endeavors. This includes:

- Completing all assignments and assessments independently, without unauthorized assistance.

- Properly citing sources when using information from others in written work.

- Avoiding plagiarism in any form, including copying someone else's work or ideas and presenting them as your own.

- Taking tests and quizzes honestly, without cheating or using unauthorized materials.

- Not engaging in any behavior that gives an unfair advantage to themselves or others in academic evaluations.

Academic Dishonesty: Any act that involves misrepresentation or fraud in the pursuit of academic credit or advancement, Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following:

- Cheating: Copying another student's work, using unauthorized materials during assessments, collaborating with others on individual assignments without permission, or tampering with assessments.

- Plagiarism: Representing someone else's work as your own, including failing to properly cite sources, paraphrasing too closely, or submitting purchased or downloaded work.

- Fabrication: Falsifying information on assignments, lab reports, or other academic documents.

- Collusion: Working with another student on an individual assignment without prior teacher approval.

- Taking unauthorized materials into assessments: Having or using unauthorized notes, electronic devices, or other materials during an assessment.

According to the Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) Student Code of Conduct, Academic dishonesty is classified as a Level II offense.

Level II Offenses: Are more severe and may include repeated acts of misconduct or Minor Offenses, as well as acts directed towards people or property that do not pose a significant threat to the health and safety of others.

Consequences for Academic Dishonesty

Step 1 One Day Pass

Step 2 Two Days Pass

Step 3 Three Days Pass

Step 4 Three Days Pass

Step 5 Three Days Pass

Preventing Dishonesty

Seeking clarification from the teacher if unsure about expectations for an assignment.

Utilizing resources such as the writing center or tutoring services for additional support.

Effective time management skills can help students avoid the temptation to cheat due to last-minute pressure.

Students are encouraged to seek help from teachers or peers when they encounter difficulties.

Reporting Dishonesty

Students and staff are obligated to report any observed instances of academic dishonesty to a teacher or administrator.

This policy is intended to provide a general overview. Specific consequences for dishonesty may vary depending on the circumstances of each case.